
Katz, Look & Onorato, P.C. enjoys a truly outstanding reputation as a tax, estate planning and estate administration law firm in Colorado. The firm’s mission is to practice law with professionalism, integrity and personal service.

New Revenue Procedure

25 March, 2025

The Internal Revenue Service recently issued Revenue Procedure 2022-32 to extend a surviving spouse’s deadline to file Form 706 to make the portability election to the fifth anniversary of the deceased spouse’s death.  The election allows the deceased spouse’s unused exclusion amount to be passed to the surviving spouse so it is not wasted.  If your spouse passed away within the last five years, you should consider if you meet the requirements and want to take advantage of this opportunity.  It applies to nontaxable estates if no Form 706 has already been filed, and it will help reduce or eliminate estate tax liability, especially if the President and Congress later reduce the exclusion amount.  See or contact our firm for more information.

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